
US Passport Application

The most important step in order to obtain a new U.S. passport is submitting a properly filled out U.S. passport application. The government uses this to not only gather the required information about the applicant, but also to assess his 'intention' of traveling.

Depending on the form of request, there are various application forms available. The most common one, the 'DS-11' form, is available when applying for a new U.S. passport.

This form should be used only when you are applying for the first time. A certain criterion has to be met in order to fall into the 'first-time applicant' category. 'DS-82' forms are used when one has to apply by mail, in cases of renewal of an existing passport.

For an amendment or validation of the passport, application form 'DS-19' should be presented. It is used when there is a modification in the printed information of one's passport. In case of a lost or stolen passport, the form 'DS-64' is submitted, along with the DS-11 form. And to obtain a passport for a minor under the age of 14, the form 'DS-3053' along with the DS-11 application form is submitted.The time taken to obtain a U.S.

passport is normally two weeks. However, it may take a little longer during spring and summer, as they are the busiest periods. Also with the U.

S. passport application, it is required for the applicant to submit proof of U.S. citizenship and identity, two passport-sized photos and the applicable fee to obtain a U.

S. passport. The total fee charged is $97 for citizens above 16 years of age, and $82 for those who are under 16- a very low price indeed to obtain your right to travel.


US Passport provides detailed information on US Passport, US Passport Application, US Passport Renewal, US Passport Office and more. US Passport is affiliated with US Mint Web Sites.

By: Jennifer Bailey

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