
The State of Cowboys and Country Oil and Space

A state, where country music style was born, the second biggest state in area and the third in population Texas has a lot to offer and is surely worth visiting.The first known settlement was founded in this place in 1682 by the Spanish. Originally Texas was a part of Mexico.

In 1836 after the notorious battle near Alamo Texas received its independence but in 1845 joined the United States of America.The main cities of the state ? Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, El Paso, Fort Worth, Austin and Corpus Christie.Texas is not a resort destination, but as a part of it lies on the shores of the Mexican Gulf, I has some pleasant places to have a rest. Other interesting sights are the National Reserve of Padre Island, national parks of Big Bend and Guadelupe Mountains, Alamo mission in San Antonio, Capitol in Austin etc.

The biggest and the main cities in Texas are Houston and Dallas and in this article we take look at them.Houston is the fourth largest city in the United States. Like in all the big cities skyscrapers here dominate the panorama, but like the city with the rich history counting more than 150 years, it has a lot of attractions and interesting museums. National Museum of Funeral History and Museum of Fine Arts are just some of them. Texas is known as the state of cowboys, so different cowboys shows and rodeos are still common here.Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is one of the major events of the year in the city.

It begins in late February lasts for about a month. Besides riders competing in traditional rodeo events, visitor can watch national and international superstar musical entertainers performance.Those who are fond of nature can be interested in visiting Downtown Aquarium and Houston Zoo.

Aquarium is great place for family walk and the home to sea creatures of every shape and size. Houston Zoo represents more than 500 species, from the winged inhabitants of the Tropical Bird House to the slithering reptiles in one of the nation's largest collections of venomous snakes.Houston is often mentioned in connection with space and especially ISS. It's Houston where Space Center is located.Dallas is mainly known for its oil derricks and for the soap opera "Dallas". It is almost as old as Houston (founded in 1841) but also looks very contemporary.

Dallas is the third-most-populous city in the state and the epicenter of the North Texas region's art scene. Notable art venues include the Dallas Museum of Art, the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center, The Trammell & Margaret Crow Collection of Asian Art, the Nasher Sculpture Center.

.For booking a hotel in Houston, please, go to Houston hotels page.For booking a hotel in Dallas, please, go to Dallas hotels page.

By: Constance Blair

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