
Insuring a Safe Clean and Secure Hotel Room

It's a scenario familiar to any business traveler. Your airline flight was delayed, the cab line at the airport was endless, and check-in was a mess. Jet lag has struck.

It's very late, you're tired, and you have a breakfast meeting with a key client at 6:30 AM. You grab your key, avoid the bellman, and head to your room to collapse into bed. Stop. Take the next 5 minutes to perform these safety, security, and cleanliness checks, and prepare for the next day.

These "how to's" will save you time the next morning. They could even save your life someday. 1.

When you enter your room, prop the door open, turn on the lights, and check the closets, bathroom, under the bed, and behind the drapes. Mistakes do happen and sometimes someone else has been assigned to your room. This happens more frequently in suites with adjoining bedrooms that can be sold as seperate rooms, or there could be a thief.

In any case, don't close the door until you are sure that the room is empty. 2. Check that the connecting doors, windows, and sliding doors, are locked. In general, avoid first floor rooms with sliding doors. 3. Once you lock the door and attach the safety chain, check the diagram on the back to review the nearest exits and mentally plan your escape route.

Look out the door to check that the exit signs are illuminated. If the lights are out, be helpful, and contact the front desk to let them know. The few seconds that it takes to review the exit information can save your life in the event of a fire, earthquake, or other emergency.

Just do it. FYI, most fire engine ladders can only reach up to the 6th floor. 4. Be sure that the heat or air conditioner, lights, phone, radio, and television are working. Turn on the shower and sink to check the water pressure and temperature.

If they aren't working, switch rooms now. It's not worth waiting for someone to fix the problem, especially late at night. Check out our portable hotel room alarms. Stay safe! Visit http://www. and for all of your self defense and security item needs.


By: Robert Young

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